So sorry for the long delay between posts. The last few weeks have been filled with emptying, cleaning, organizing, and wiring Infojock's new office. I will post some photos of the new digs tomorrow. But for now, I've thrown together some Tour De France graphics. Admittedly, there are only five of, and two are outdated (with big headlines about Lance's final tour... three years ago). However, it's good to have them all together so I can add to them as more undoubtedly come out. The Tour De France offers a wonderful opportunity for infographic work because so many Americans know so little about the sport. Peletons? Stages? Check out the graphics below and learn a few things about this grueling event.
First off, we have two newspaper double-trucks from Lance's farewell tour victory. Wonderfully executed by
The Oregonian and
The St. Pete Times. Great insights into tour strategy, the geography of the course, and the anatomy of a cyclist.

Next, we have three graphics that track the process of the Tour. First is the AP graphic from 2008. Next is a very impressive interactive by the Wall Street Journal. And last is a great graphic by Periscopic that follows Chipotle's 2009 team as they try to take the yellow jersey.

Hopefully we can keep the blog posts coming with a bit of regularity now. Let us know if you find any more Tour graphics, and we'll be sure to post them.